Finally some pictures from Lamu. [mygal=lamu] Have a nice day!
Just back from the outback around Garissa for reports on a Camel Library. Prepared for the worst but got the best tarmac road: six and a half hours from Nairobi. The more than hundred NGO’s working here are using proper fourwheeldrives to deliver their aid to the needy. The local Nomad Palace is happy with the clientele. Development workers around means workshops! The Kenyan National Library Service delivers books to the needy, with camels. Why? Because camels are better accepted than other ways of delivery according one of the spokesmen
Just back from Chogoria area for reports on community tourism, the coffee- and tea industry. Coffee dioes not bring enough income, farmers don’t want to change, or are not able to change their business. Now, locals are becoming share holders in a tourist lodge and getting the profit. More pictures available soon. Enjoy!
Just arrived back from Meru area for stories. Before that I visited Lamu to attend the festivities around the celebration of the birthday of Mohammed. Every year more than 8.000 Muslims come to Lamu and are taking over the streets. Pictures on both stories will be available soon. Have a nice day!
‘Drivers license!’ My taxidriver Isaac just opened his window and puts on his most innocent face. Alcoholdamp enters the car. ‘What do you think? I am just coming from Thika to bring my friend here to the airport. I just forgot it.’ The car is closed in by three police officers. I notice. One of them , an old guy, is trying to intimidate Isaac. None of the agents have badges with their employee numbers. ‘When you see them like that, you know it’s wrong’ says Isaac. I know he’s
Added a posting on Zimbabwe. Just back from a trip through that beautifull country. Please visit my Blog In Dutch . Have a wonderful day!
Visited the 7th Anniversary of fire arms in Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi. Kenyan minister of Security Michuki repeated his ideas about what should happen with people who are cuaght with fire arms in their possession: they should get the death penalty. On the pictures you see the burning of 8.008 fire arms (you don’t see the more than 100.000 that are still in circulation by the way)… [mygal=archive]
Comin’ up: more (audio-)postings. Among them: The meeting with one of the last relatives of Idi Ami, How the Kenyan Government is trying to give their people history and: Party time at the Roadblock. Thanks for coming (back) and for your warming emails. Meanwhile, please enjoy some of the pictures I took in Arua/Koboko/Entebbe/Nairobi. [mygal=Gallerij]
For Dutch readers: please visit my Afrika Blog in Dutch. I got many requests, so finally I am making a start with it. Please put make a link on your website and/or add it to you favorites. This is the adress: Any comments are welcome!
Finally after a while of to Uganda again. Usual mode of transport: the Yellow Glory of Kenya (at least that what is used to be): the Akamba bus. Started the 13 hour trip more than one day ago in Antonio’s Bar: 24 hours open. That’s where I took the picture and recorded some atmosphere (sorry partly in Dutch). Main goal: Arua, the hometown of Idi Amin. The sound impression starts in the restaurant with the ongoing announcement well…. it must be something like… ehhh a lot of destinations. Kampala is