Check out this African Blog of Scott Fontaine and of course from Ruud Elmendorp. The last one has a lot of interesting video reports from Africa.
Even camels are dying… Please dial +254(0)736 569528 for written reports.
Three rainy seasons, rain was failing. People neglected early warnings from the meteo. This man felt the consequences. He lost 75 percent of his cattle.
Just back from Northern Kenya for reports. Because of failing rains, dams have dried. Some people spend days travelling to waterpoints. On the way, I met this young herds man, looking for greener pastures. He has been travelling with his cattle for days with his herd.
Dutch photographer Sven Thorfinn won a prestigious Dutch Photography Award, “The Silver Camera” for pictures he made in Congo. Visit his site by clicking here and see some of his winning pictures. Congratulations!
This is gonna be the new banner for the website: Meanwhile preparing stories on famine in Kenya and refugees in Congo DRC.
Nairobi River, Kenya.
Experimenting with moving images and interviews, all made on mobile. Click here for Windows Media Slide Show on the Beautifull Bujagali Falls.
Jinja! Met some Swimmers near the Bujagali Falls. They make their money with crossing th3 falls, i would say with risking their lives. But these guys are going to lose their job: downstream a new Dam will be built, starting in June 2006. The falls will change into a lake and Uganda is losing a major tourist attraction. Listen to Mobile Phone Made Interview by clicking here.
Just arrived in Kampala. For the first time I didn’t experience the 12,5 hour bustrip on the bumpy Kenyan roads. I flew in: 50 minutes from Nairobi to Entebbe. From there an less than an hour to Kampala. Quiet smooth roads compared to Kenya. Friendly people. But Uganda seems to be one of those countries where one is easily misled by what one sees: in the North a war has been going on and in the South Congolese and Un soldiers are figthing against Ugandan rebels. But most editors are