Kenya dropped 10 places in the United Nations Development Report, published this week. Bad news. Had an interesting conversation with a researcher about this. He said he never saw such a change in Kenya since the last president came into power. ‘Kenya suffers from a lot of bad publicity’, he said. ‘But watch this country. For next year, there is a forecast in economic growth of more than 5 percent. ‘I have done research to the underlying currents of the change in Kenya. This gives hope. Institutions like Worldbank, IMF only look at the elite of the country. But if you look at the agricultural sector, on grassroot level, you will find a major changes. The income from small diary farmers almost doubled over the last two and a half year, thanks to major efforts of the Kenyan government. You can say the same about other sectors: vegetables, sugars, coffee and tea. Tourism boosted last year: 56 percent growth! This country is going through big transition. This is not because of Blair or an G8 or any donor, but because of the new spirit of change in this country, on this continent.’