Always the shock of landing in a ‘Western’ country. Last night I arrived in bright lights-smoothly-paved-Johannesburg with the late KQ-flight. Advertising everywhere, extreme good coffee and a smile when they quickly serve it within seconds after ordering. What I also noticed this morning, although I have been here several times: people hardly look at each other in the streets. This is a city like other Western cities, with contrasts you will find in a lot of places on this planet. City of fortune seekers, immigrants from all over the continent. Johannesburg is a kind of New York for the African continent, at least it is the richest city. Tomorrow I will leave this city built on ‘gold wealth’, by train to Maputo. The capital of Mozambique, one of the poorest countries on this beautifull continent. Miners from Mozambique used to take the train, crossing the border to South Africa, to work for their living. My train will only bring me to Komatiepoort, the border town. They say it is full of smugglers there. From Komatipoort, I have to cross the border by foot and hopefully catch an other train.
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